About The Outpost

An experiment in collaborative science-fiction role-play storytelling.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Even though I've been here a while, I just never get tired of this view.

We call the place "The Chasm", short and simple. Just like we call where we're killing time simply "The Outpost". Technically, we're on Gliese 581 g, buried in the constellation of Libra. Only about 20 light years away from Sol, and home - but still, the place is a backwater.

The rock we're on is largely uninhabitable, being tidally locked around the star. The atmosphere is pretty dense, too. That pretty much keeps us up here on the peak. Down just a bit, and the air gets toxic. But from up here, it's still a hell of a sight. Especially with the light show the local plant life puts on for us, non-stop.

I hope you and Dad are getting along fine. Hard to believe it's been more than a year since I left Earth. They keep us fairly busy here. Maintenance is kind of a pain in a place like this. The vegetation has a way of gumming up seals and hinges like you wouldn't believe.

From time to time, I get rotated up to the fueling station, and get to help load visiting starships with some of the volatiles we manage to refine. I'm due up there next week, as a matter of fact. I'll try to take some pictures and send them to you when I go.

Take care, and see you in a couple more years.

Love, Your Son,